Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Flowers from another Planet

I have been making flowers lately.  Not your ordinary, run of the mill, grown here on Earth kind of flowers.  These guys are different.  They definitely give you the idea of flowers, the colors, the shape, but they are not anything Mother nature has come up with- Enjoy

Calla Lillies- polymer clay on wood frame
Calla Lillies- completed
I love the way these two look together.  The picture at the top shows them in the hanging vase I made out of a cigar holder covered in paperclay and painted.

This is a closeup of the base of my extraterrestrial pionies-I was playing around with a polymer clay technique I saw somewhere with paint.  I applied a very thin sheet of green clay on top of the brown clay.  Using a heat gun I semi cured the green clay ( as soon as I could see that the shine was fading on the surface of the green clay I stopped the heat) then ran the layered sheet through my pasta machine and the green cracked as the brown clay stretched.  I love the effect and am definitely going to try it again on something.  So many possibilities.....
Here are the finished extraterrestrial pionies.  Like the ones grown on this planet these are very top heavy.  I had planned to make a vase for them to display them but I am afraid they will not hold up.  I have them laying on a pile of books on a shelf and I think they look great like that, so that was really my plan all along I just didn't know it
 a Better look at the bud and stems here....these lovlies had at least 7 visits to the oven, adding another element each time, before they were finally done.  I am happy with the result.